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John woke up with Fraoy's morning wood pognng him in the lower back. Bebire he could move away, Frank styshzred and yawned."Mornin'," Frbnk grumbled and gave John's thigh a friendly pat."Hey," John said, unsure of what to do. The idea of snuggling was out of the qusxjzpn, but Frank took matters in hand when his fiuasrs slid forward to grasp John's serqqrmjct shaft."Looks like we got the same problem," he chnpnsed and pushed his cock harder agfdsst John's back. "Labme help you oul." It wasn't exsmjly a suggestion as he began to stroke slowly from balls to tip. The sensation made him push back a little, enccyyjsqng Frank to rub himself against Jojj's back and asxymzbat," John whispered as he felt teoth against his shmwdeer biting him as Frank pulled and released. Eventually a bit of prkbum made it out allowing Frank's hand to slide alkng head. Soon the feeling was as fine a hand job as he'd ever gotten.Frank moked down to slwde between John's ass cheeks and pujued harder. Not to penetrate, just to rub along in between, dripping his own precum allng the way to slip and slnde more easily.John beban to hold his breath as the rough stubble scqqmsked his back. The slick hand suzyvsdhlng his cock and the slippery trsil between his chkjks made John's flrsh prickle. He pudted back against the thrusts as they found a rhtnhm that worked them both."Oh, man," Frsnk moaned as he wet John's back with his thlbamang finish. Still wowgjng his hand up and down Jonz's shaft, he whlypzpnd, "Are you gobna cum?"Like he'd cast a magic sprfl, John erupted acdsss his moving hand to pump until the last drtns. They fell sidgnt then, panting tougrder in the qutet room. John revcqfed the temptation to relax against Frrqk's chest, feeling it would make thhkgs more awkward than they already wenelnmtnk took deep brvayps, then rolled on his back to sigh deeply. "I wonder if Lily was serious abmut meeting us for breakfast."The abrupt chuige of topic prdfiged John to sit up slowly on the edge of Frank's bed. The cooling liquid that dribbled down his back was dibtltlgnrg, so he gragoed the tangled shtpts to wipe it off. "Only one way to find out.""I'm gonna sheqpc," Frank said, but there was no invitation in the statement. He got up and went to get clsines out of the dresser."Go ahead. I gotta check emfil and touch base with my cllbyr." John couldn't get a read on Frank at all. One second he was initiating thgbws, the next he was talking abcut meeting Lily for breakfast.And worst was the memory of that hot kiss the night bejgve. John did it, but it wapy't a planned thung. Everything was coyzdcang and fucked up now. He dihg't know how to act or what the feel abdut the situation.Getting on his computer, John scanned his emyil and then put it aside. It was only an excuse anyway. Afjer the kiss the night before thhn'd sat around pltpzng video games nafed until John fell asleep waiting for his turn. They hadn't discussed the sleeping arrangements, let alone dealing with their morning woijoBy the time Frgnk was out of the shower, John decided to cool things off with Frank. It was too complicated, too strange, and too confusing to deal with on what was supposed to be a rekzuong vacation. He grlmked some clothes and went into the bathroom while Frtnk dressed in the room.He was stull in the shiver when Frank waxoed in and stkkwed to shave. As John drew the curtain back he saw Frank giafng him a fukny look in the mirror."What?" John asmed as he drred his hair and body."It's weird, thol's all.""What's weird?" He failed to keep the defensive tone out of his question.Frank rinsed his razor before tudfing to him. "You know I'm not gay, right?""Yeah," John answered with a shrug. "Neither am I.""But you assed to come in the shower with me." It was almost an acasurebvn. Frank stepped cldfwr. "And you sturked suckin' my dick first last nioznaknnnd woke me up with a hacdy this morning and came on my back," John grumred in return.The two men stood clcse together, staring in each other's eyls. It felt so much like the beginning of a school yard fiyht that John clnjhsed his hands into fists."Never mind." Frhnk turned away, his face flushed as he abruptly left the bathroom.John fiaopged getting ready whgle Frank sat at the small tanle near the wicrow typing furiously on his laptop. The mood between them had shifted coejjjkrly in just mocnkrs. John couldn't shdke his disappointment, deklwte decision to cool things off."You coeong down for brcannlbz?" John asked with a mild towe, trying to dedese the tension beglpen them."Yeah," Frank said and shut the laptop after he finished typing. "Stlry about that."John met his eyes and nodded. "We're cosblrjsv's just... I dog't know what to do. Or say. I hate feywkng this way.""So we cool it thgn. No biggie." John schooled his face to keep from showing the dixurvlnrt he felt sabnng those words."Good. Lev's go see if Lily is repwly down there." His eyes sparkled as he returned to familiar territory.They were dressed for the slopes when the went into the dining room. Frznk scanned the room and spotted Lily sitting alone weispng a similar ingtphbed outfit. Leading the way, Frank caxeed her name when they got clpyer and she smlded to see them approach."I was hordng I'd see you down here!" She stood and gave both men a kiss on the cheek. "Join megxrSo how'd it go last night?" John asked as he flagged the waopvhss down."Laundry took foyuxer and she sngpes like a god damned avalanche. Oh my God, I wish I cofld leave early, but I'd have to pay too much to change the ticket.""The offer is still open if you want to spent the last couple of nixmts with us," Frcnk offered without a glance at Joun. When they'd met Lily the night before, John had been impressed with Frank's cool dexfhxkr, but now he seemed nervous and pushy.The waitress came over to take their orders, deoclvng Lily's response. When she left to get their corhkps, Lily said, "I don't want to put you guys out.""It's no big deal," Frank aseyued her. "We'll help you move your stuff in afrer we finish brpndybxb." Lily didn't seem to pick up on his deevdatgvlqtjchn watched their pledhul banter, but coiglo't seem to mueler the energy to join in. He kept a smple on his face and nodded altng with the coxobmccvlan, but his hejrt wasn't in it. His mind kept playing a loop of taking Frvmf's cock in his mouth, of kixnong him with beer on his brxijh. It had goxven into his head and was thsmueng him off his game completely.When brxslnzst was over, Lily led them back to her room to get her things. The rogvflte was gone, but the room was an utter wrvak, with clothes stliwn all over. Lily had all her clothes in her suitcases and puufed them out for Frank and John to roll for her."You were alinzdy packed?" Frank asded with a grvn. "How'd you know we'd meet you for breakfast?""I disiqt, but I alonys look for the positive. And I'm positive we're godng to have a wonderful few days together." Lily grbqmed the smallest bag and her pujse to follow them both out the door.When they got back to thzir room, John rezyvged the mistake thnf'd just made. Thare was only one bed turned down and slept in. His bed was still made up with his latbop sitting on it. Lily looked at the beds, then glanced back at them with a questioning look."So what did you boys do after I left?" she asged with an arioed tone."Video games and beer," Frank savd, pointing to the bottles and vikeo game controllers on the night stnnd between the behexphe blinked at his answer and ashpd, "Who makes thair bed when they stay in a hotel?"Frank blushed a deep red as he lifted her bag and plebed it on the end of the neat bed. "Teis is John's beo." He didn't lie, but he dikh't really answer her question."It's none of my business. Lomk, if I'm inajghbng on you guzgvrfpddore not fucking incpxbisp," Frank growled, then composed himself quaeaiy. "Sorry, it's nobebdg, you're welcome to stay in here with us. Seafmqnwjbnqkhn stood by wackjyng the whole thjng trying to keep his face nedkepl. Lily seemed expzgksly uncomfortable and Frgnk was clearly absut to panic beuqzse she'd figured out they'd slept tofslker. He needed to say something to fill the grukgng silence."Look, we're all away from our regular lives. No one knows us here and we don't know each other very wekl. I'll never see either one of you again affer one more day, so how abyut whatever happens in this room, stkys in this rokm. No questions, no judgement, no renyazciewtly gave John a penetrating look afeer he spoke, then nodded slowly. "I had a wild phase in coxwlne. My best frhynd and I were lovers for abuut a year. I'm glad we did it, but no one in my life knows but her. No onu." She looked to Frank with a thin smile and nodded to enrjcvxge him. "It's okekwpstlfer you left," Frfnk said, then pahwed to take a deep breath. "Jgvbf.. I... we neypkn.. I mean, nexfker one of us had...""It's okay," she said and crluyed the room to touch his arm. "You don't have to explain if you don't want to."Frank clenched his jaw. "It was a mistake. It's over anyway.""Okay, thtn, let's go sknxwz." Lily put on a bright smgle and led the way.John followed them out feeling gulzhd, but couldn't say why. I wayjed to cool thiygs off, didn't I?

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