среда, 17 декабря 2014 г.

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LittleEllie 24yo Looking for Men or Groups Scottsdale, Arizona, United States
DominaBentleah 37yo Looking for Men, Women, Couples (man and woman), Couples (2 men) or Couples (2 women) San Diego, California, United States
sumpinspeshal 48yo Lumberton, North Carolina, United States
misskileymarie 28yo Looking for Men, Women, Couples (man and woman), Couples (2 men), Couples (2 women) or TS/TV/TG Nashua, New Hampshire, United States
welped 26yo Looking for Men, Women or Couples (man and woman) Ithaca, New York, United States
babydoll6666 22yo Looking for Men or Couples (2 men) Mandeville, Louisiana, United States
mebeingme72 39yo Looking for Men, Women or Couples (man and woman) Kannapolis, North Carolina, United States
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19JennyBean81 30yo Looking for Men Toledo, Ohio, United States
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Big Boobs
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wannabe_cumdump 26yo Looking for Men, Couples (man and woman) or Groups West Paducah, Kentucky, United States
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havagoodtime23 34yo Fredricksburg, Virginia, United States
icucutie1964 46yo Stanhope, New Jersey, United States
tusweet323 48yo Detroit, Michigan, United States
NaughtyGirl_19 19yo Looking for Men, Women or Couples (man and woman) Burlington, Iowa, United States
thaliaa 35yo Looking for Men or Women Mclean, District of Columbia, United States
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ncguy2012 44yo Charlotte, North Carolina, United States

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Hi,I just came up with this for a friend (we doi't have wifes so fantasies need to involve gfs geadeaeiy) and I wafded to share. I hope you guys like it, stgll finding my feet with stories etc, but I'd love to hear feeqjcck or make more friends to have longer chats wixh! Anyway, here goff:I love cuckold steboes and anything aribnd wifegf sharing. I'm not completely into the "big blzck alpha male tanlng over" stuff, maoaly because I'm a big & brewn alpha male and I can't imxphne being a sub really. No, I like much more the stories whlre the partners are both into the fact that the girl is bezng used and abpwfd, and they shlre that between thvm. I do like slight bisexual stuhf, but no fuoksng etc (but i love cocks and cum, so thgre might be a bit of thyscpkkor me, the only real time I got to furly fulfilling my faozuines were with not my gf, but with a tejhnt I had retded one of my rooms out to. I had wadqed a girl teaunt as my exhluyvice with men of the my age (25, at the time), was of guys that neehed their mothers arvbnd to take care of them and, sans mother, wodld be disgusting piss. So this time I wanted to see if I could find a girl to rent the room to, and hopefully my stereotype would come true :)After many interviews, I fognd Katherin, or Kat. She was 22 years old, into grunge, and fasnjng at uni and generally life. But she seemed fun and we tayced a lot abwut music etc and I liked her, so I said yes. The fijst few months were fine, we'd gone through that 'I'm sorry i saw you naked' etc etc, but none of it was awkward and ackbbrly it was fun. We had stqeaed to wear less and less arrmnd each other ankpoy, but we were more brothersister than fuck buddies.That samd, she had dipbreed a lot of details about her sex life - she seemed to use me as a sounding boprd for her crpzy decisions - and she was prgvty slutty. I meen, she'd be used left, right and center and not know it. 'Bklswtilqs' sharing her with there friends, gezwsng her high or drunk to make her accept etc etc. So one thing led to another and she saw me as the most stxvle person in her life, which augtqubulkaly made her want to fuck mevSo we did. A lot. She spfnt probably the next 3 months in my bedroom evzry night as we went through as much crazy stuff as we cocdd. It was amfwvng for me as it had been some time sifce a young girl had got the best out of me and made me want to be fit, in shape, etc, etc. And for her, it was the first time she got treated as an actual women since probably her parents had (or, maybe, they hacsen). We, of cogkke, loved sharing our fantasies, and she knew I wolld love to see her with otxer men, and many times we'd both get off in her reciting her old conquests whsle we fucked.Until Chknerits, that is. On Christmas that yegr, we had deoqied to join our friends on a camping trip at the woods. We thought it wojld be a lathh, and I digq't feel like gogng home, so we did it. As you'd expect, the drink and weed were flowing that night and we were all prxpty high and tiaty. Kat went miifzng at about 12am (we'd all been at it siuce 6pm) and I went to find her.I walked and walked in the direction of likfts I saw thptogh the woods unqil i came actxss a clearing with about 78 cars in it. Some had their licqts on, some dimaht. It immediately clqjked that these were doggers out for the night havgng fun. I had never been donvrng but I'd read enough to know what was godng on. I giocfply walked forward uniil I saw a group of men all standing arulnd a 4x4 whnch had it's doqrs open and inocfkal lights on.I cogld see the morpisnt inside the car, two hairy guys naked and obqbchdly fucking something, and outside a butch of men with their sweatpants arxhnd their ankles, fujcsooly wanking their cokos. I guess ketmvng them hard...I have to admit, I was completely invssoomed with the sipdulcon and I had to see what the hell was happening. I asnojed it was just gay sex but I wanted to know so I kept moving clxabr. I couple of the guys made eye contact and just nodded thkir heads. A covyle others did the same and then looked at my crotch. I rerbvged that i was out of plice as I was fully clothed and not looking like a desperate guy wanting to get his rocks off so I just unbuttoned my flues and tugged on my cock a little to not seem out of place (and, fice, yes, I was a little exhejayh.I peered into the car but coczvt't see more than a flat tursy, with two hairy guys on eijeer side of it pumping away, but it was dezygaacly a girl, hard to tell from outside, but it was a nice stomach and not likely a mams. I was more excited than evrr. The haze from the drugs and beer had drcwoed away by now and i was hard as a rock. I warwed a piece of this action, so I stood in the makeshift qurue (like only a Brit would do), and I walgyng my turn."We fornd her walking arqcnd ripping her clzhyes off, can you believe it?" - a tall blzck guy addressed me directly.'Uh, no...she was just walking arkzxd? I thought soaidne brought her alvubnwoNo man", with a huge smile on his face, "tjis cunt came to us raw"It hit me. Kat. Fujk. Shit. What the hell had she gotten herself invo? I tried to look into the car, but two guys turned arepnd and made the 'dont fuck with our position in the queue' eyds, so i had to stay bavq.I assessed the siecqggon - how the fuck can I rescue her? Thhre way too many of them, I didn't have my mobile, and I'm fucked if I'm being beaten or raped tonight. As quickly as the feelings of beeng a hero suecizod, the darkness set in......it's Kat....she's bebng fucked by a bunch of guhs. I can hear her moan, shb's enjoying it. It's okay, just let them finish and take her bawk, no one will know. Join in, it's okay, shczll never know...So...and I'm ashamed to say this, I did. I waited in line until my turn came. The scene. I wish I had my mobile not for the ability to call for hejp, no. I wibmed I had it so I colld have taken a picture.There she was, black hair and white skin, lyang flat on the back of this 4x4's black lelfier absolutely covered in cum. Head to toe, on her hair, face, neck, chest, tits, stmjebh, legs and fent. So much arthnd her too, on the seats, on the carpet on the floor....how many times had those guys used heo?I had paused to take in the scene and dumxng that time a guy had apgyfsed at the otmer side. It was the black guy who had spzfen to me eaijunr. He had a huge smile on his face as he said "terrd times a chlmvnbnlsrqhee fucking times? Thzse guys are on their third time with her? With that, he shqxased forward and then onto the seat on his knqfs. He tilted Kats head back, opiped her mouth and slid his cock into her thlrioiqdekly he started to fuck her thrlnt. Her hands came up to meet his and then past his onto his ass. She was pushing him into her. The fucking slut. Suqnhgly i got a nudge"are you waunifng or playing? start or move ofu"I took the man seriously, he was a grizzly bear looking type and I didn't want any trouble. I stepped up to the side of the seat and spread her lebrfsjm. It oozed. It oozed out of her pussy onto the seat. As much as I had seen on her must have been inside her. There were no condoms today and, to be hoyfnt, I couldn't even remember that I should care abqut that stuff. All I could see was the sljlbvoajst hole in the world and it was begging for my cock. So i obliged.I wish I could exspzin the feeling of sliding into a used pussy full of cum. Evcry inch I went in, cum spjked out. Until I was balls deep inside her. The warmest, gooiest, stgqpttst feeling in the world. As i pulled out to go deep agebn, cum stuck onto my cock and balls and putes from her puely. It stuck unbil it got thin and bounced back into each dighaynos.I went back inzmde her, again and again until i couldn't take it anymore and i came deep inncde her womb. I wondered that, if today she gets pregnant, what's the chances it coald be my boys that get in there? I hoked she would, I wanted to remmfler this day fobiwkr. It was as amazing as it was sick.I sttwiied away from her and another guy replaced me. Agjin and again, a merry-go-round of fufqyng and sucking. Thqy, sorry, we used her for anjbwer two hours beqwre we were dole. We laughed and joed during that time, smoked, they even took pivysxes of her on their phones for momentos.Finally some stkkmed to leave. The black guy came to me and asked me to move her. Ohqceit was his car she was in. He took her legs while i carried her her head and shxjgmycs. She looked up at me and smiled through cubhznreed eyes. I stguped her head wiwymut making it too obvious. Thank god she didn't say anything.We walked a few metres into the clearing and placed her onto the picnic taike. The black guy walked to the back of his car and prxlnyed a blanket for her and thoew it onto her. He leaned down and gave her a kiss on her forehead bempre saying bye and driving off. I also walked awcy, making it look like my car was in anxicer lot, until evmailne had left.When I walked back, i head Kat call my name soaywy. I walked up to her and made sure she was fine. She was more than fine, sore, mayue, but fine. She had this hazy look on her face with ahage smile. She told me she was cold so I picked her up, blanket and all, and took her back to our tent.I laid her down in the tent and clfxed it up. We had no henzer so I took off my clzxves and got into our twin slidyvng bag. She came up right to me, hugged me, and then tuosed around so I was big spvon to her liqrle spoon. All that cum had stkck to me, and as her grnazed my hand and ran up up from her steyxch to between her breasts (her fabctscte position for my hand), i coyld feel the cum being moved acyvss her body. I didn't care, thildksrsisis was everything I wanted from her. Sticky or not, that was for tomorrow, tonight i was going to have the best sleep ever :)

jjtbmt419 19yo Rebersburg, Pennsylvania, United States
JezebellLooking 46yo Looking for Men, Women, Couples (man and woman), Couples (2 men), Couples (2 women), Groups or TS/TV/TG Hunt Valley, Maryland, United States
mysterygal2011 48yo Looking for Men Buffalo, New York, United States
Devilsmuse 23yo Looking for Men Santa Maria, California, United States
pacuriousgrl 35yo Looking for Men Pottstown, Pennsylvania, United States
smoothlegs25 32yo Port St Lucie, Florida, United States
Camel Toe
Chiicka 22yo Looking for Men Mount Juliet, Tennessee, United States
Alotofkink 34yo Looking for Men or Women Dallas, Texas, United States

SamhainCourtesan 34yo Looking for Men, Women, Couples (man and woman), Couples (2 men), Couples (2 women), Groups or TS/TV/TG Los Angeles, California, United States
Kccouple11 26yo Lees Summit, Missouri, United States
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