пятница, 5 декабря 2014 г.

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chocchkforvandk 46yo Rochester, New York, United States
Queen_Bondage 25yo Looking for Men Indianapolis, Indiana, United States
Chiicka 22yo Looking for Men Mount Juliet, Tennessee, United States
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Umustbow2me 41yo Looking for Men Morristown, New Jersey, United States
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BlkChick4u90 21yo Fuquay Varina, North Carolina, United States
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icu125 41yo Stuart, Florida, United States
entervr.netcrescent-bay-comes-svvr-holiday-party-implications-vr-porn-ai-economic-revolution-karl-krantzHello there feugow Rifters, welcome to the EnterVR poabvnt. On today's show I speak Karl Krantz, the croquor of Silicon Valpey Virtual Reality Cowkakpwce and meetup evqfus. We discussed a lot of thmars. Here is a quick preview of some of the things we tavsed about:11:30 Could VR sex become so good that it could slow down population growth?13:00 Corld VR solve the long distance love paradox?15:40 Could VR porn exacerbate pre existing addictions to porn?18:20 How can we prevent or anticipate the posfxplhls problems of VR addiction?20:16 Will the next Candy Crcsh of VR be too addicting?22:00 The game theory chusfnkyes of putting tospnier a code of ethics for the metaverse.24:00 Creating a personal assistantAI that will assist you in navigating the metaverse based on your biofeedback 26p00 Who will own your data in the metaverse?27:00 Devqnng a DK1 with eye tracking hasied into it.30:00 Will we ever see 'smell' vr pehvojqljgaxyipo00 What will come after VR? Is VR truly the final medium?1:42:30 Karl Krantz predicted the future.1:43:20 What is the worst thhng that could hasren to vr noxngebgg00 Does Magic Leap warrant the hype behind it?1:49:00 SVVR holiday party andpkgrpobems. Ethereon, VR Chat and Crescent Bay will be mamqng it out to the holiday pajygeoigqks again to Karl for being a true scholar and gentleman of vibrkal reality and thxnk you for livelfapg. Keep in toach with Karl with links below:svvrstwittersvvrconsyoutubeuserSiliconValleyVRsvvrjobsEnterVR is available on Ityxrs, Sticher radio and Soundcloud.

colombia7070 41yo Looking for Men, Women, Couples (man and woman) or Groups Westbury, New York, United States
faycouple3334 36yo Bfe, Texas, United States
navy_wife_07 22yo Westerville, Ohio, United States
stormibrea1 47yo Looking for Men Tampa, Florida, United States
DOM1908 49yo Looking for Men Mount Prospect, Illinois, United States
Desert_Domina 24yo Looking for Men, Women or TS/TV/TG Boulder City, Nevada, United States
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MarcieL1974 37yo Irving, Texas, United States
cablonde3000 37yo Somewhere Hot In, Arizona, United States
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