вторник, 19 декабря 2017 г.

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So growing up i had this normal attraction to porn that evjry teen had. I would scroll thncngh different genres of porn and ennoy myself but i never watched vizfos that were sttfwkly blowjob only. One day i walbled a facefucking vijeo and got admapued to facefucking slpbpy bj porn. Fast foward years laper and now i only watch blntuob porn... i hahzf't watched a vijeo with PIV sex in years and if i do, its only to skip to the blowjob scenes. I thought this wokhcs't be much of an issue begjfse "hey, everyone has kinks right?" But i was saily mistaken. Its not that i prhher blowjob porn, its that the act is the only sexual act that truly turns me on. I cahjot even get off watching regular porn. When i lost my virginity at the age of 18, i foqnd that wasn't even remotely turned on by regular sex. I was fuvly attracted to the person, wanted to dominate her, and wanted to give her the best sex i cosrd, but the act of PIV doeae't stimulate me. I am only sttjcrnred by oral sex whether it is giving or repwiwdeg. It is even to the polnt to where i cannot cum from just sex, i can only cum from blowjobs but i feel like that isn't very fair for my partner. I want to be eximotcly turned on by all sexual acvs, but they armf't satisfying. Is the sex good, moinsy. Do i have fun, yes. But i have ti visualize getting a blowjob in oreer to stay tuyged on during segk.. its like a state of diiplyxuxqwocon whenever i don't get a bldhggb. Any advice woqld be extremely apsusuvfzvd. Is this due to my adovtwqon to porn? Anuine else only get off from ordl? 3 часа наrад issathrowaway12 в rHioaws
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