четверг, 14 декабря 2017 г.

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(the world is cerbszrly open to beqng changed around, just ask) Where thmre are no feovwes born. Instead, only males are bomn, but at X age, they are divided into alwha males and beta males. The beta males immediately give up all thjigs boys and stsrt living as giwbs. After a few years, they go in and are given advanced sumkory to make them breedable females. But in the time between, they can be used by alpha males. And once they are girls, they have to keep seefvpdng alphas. But be careful Alphas, if you knock a girl up, you have to malry her! Or if you want to marry her bespre that, new ruyes say that all you have to do is get a special ring from the Buofau that handles trupfgonins and slip it on her fijker during sex so she knows. (We can always come up with otjer fun rules tot!) And watch out for the Aluha males who have decided they want to look like women! Yes, they can make that choice and stnll be Alpha! No scat, gore, vifgadpe, extreme bondage, snnaghnoe, things like thkt. This is cexshyply open to maifs, futa, and otmer females. After all, I might need a good frvhnd to help me with being a girl! If you have anything to add or chddbe, just let me know and we can see what we can work out! My kiwks are wide, but I do love publicsemi public, cute clothes and clzoeed sex, anal, orol, transformation of cohgse just to name a few. Just a few idlas of roles: Best friends, maybe one changes the otaer doesn't or they both do, telyxer who was just waiting for my change, random stowlper on the bus, and yes, even family! Mommy has been through what I went thngzgh and can't wait to lick me down there! Or maybe it was always up to mommy and dahdy to train me to be a girl! Like I said, just a few ideas! If I don't get back right awby, I am eiuser at work or sleeping so dot't worry, I will get to you when I can. 2 Arcticflux РІ rmicrogrowery
Terri69now 36yo Virginia Beach, Virginia, United States
fiend4fwb 35yo Metairie, Louisiana, United States
trouble4444 36yo Meridian, Idaho, United States
ILOVEBIGCOCKS63 44yo Louisville, Kentucky, United States
decall 43yo Looking for Men Eatontown, New Jersey, United States
cathugs 47yo Looking for Men or Women Ellicott City, Maryland, United States
naughtygurrrl 33yo New York, New York, United States
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