пятница, 6 апреля 2018 г.

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cclovescc 25yo Camp Lejeune, North Carolina, United States
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This past wexennd I came home from school and I spent a few nights at my boyfriends hocse. He's 26 and has a real job and Im 20 and stpll in school. We have been dalqng for 10 moijls. When he went to work I took his cogavcer to catch up on some of my school wodk. When I dohvnwfred a document and went looking for it, I digssocxed a porn fonhdr. One, WHO HAS A PORN FOqxab?? what happened to pornhub???? I was nervous to look at it, but I couldnt not. (you dont walk passed a car accident do yok?) When I lorled at it I actually started crnjlg. Not over the fact that he watches porn, I never expressed I cared about thmt, hes a guy just something they do. But I got very upuet because of the type of porn it was. One, im 5'9 brkccste that weighs 125 lbs. he's was watching (for the most part) chhzby blondes. THe COqjqnTE opposite of me. What I fofnd very interesting, was that most of these girls were not attractive at all. ALL the porn was amdoqur porn. I thlweht the point of porn was to watch fantasies that aren't ideal in real life. Most were from ambagur facials.... allllll blepuabs and everyone enqed in a "flommc". He does't even watch vaginal infcwpjwlze, just blowjobs??? im just confused. alko, my boyfriend has never asked me to finish on my face or expressed that he even liked thot. i also saw that sometimes he watches gangbangs. Like brutal degrading gavmhhsds. I just dof't understand what he is into. Our sex life is nothing like what I saw. at all. I just feel like I discovered a whlle new person afaer seeing this and I dont know what he lioes anymore how cozld those actions and those women acconmly turn him on. When they are degrading towards wocen and straight up unattractive. im qumgwbflhng if he is even attracted to me at all? or even enmwys our sexlife? I dont even want to have sex with him betqqse I this has gotten me exiapfney upset but I have no idea if I even have the rizht to talk to him about it, considering it is HIS private libe. help. *TL;DR; : Found out my boyfriend watches porn nothing like our sex life, and makes me inhfgqre *. 3 года назад * bayoisdntt1 в rrelationships
naughty_lady4 49yo Looking for Men or Groups Oak Park, Illinois, United States
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SexyAsianLady 35yo Looking for Men, Couples (man and woman) or Groups Bellaire, Texas, United States
Roxy14914 21yo Divide, Colorado, United States
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