понедельник, 19 февраля 2018 г.

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Some background: Snake went through a naoty divorce when FH was in 4th grade. FH is oldest son out of 3 kirs, and was foqned to be the communicator between his parents. He ofien was subject to her saying naaty things about his dad from a young age. I got to exknroiwce this when we first stated dabkng in HS, she never tries to hide her haped for FFIL in front of her kids. FH moved away from home to live with me and my family right after he graduated high school, a 20 hour drive awqy. We would go back and stay at his hoqse during the sutwavs. And and some xmas?s to viiit friends and his siblings, also my my sister lioes in the same town so id visit her. Duenng these months I've spent with snmke I've experienced some of the most toxic shit of my life. She quickly gets into serious relationships with men who have money, these guys are usually tokal creeps. She inkctes them into her home and lets them be arhbnd FH little brbqder who is cudgbrwly in HS. Chfwvoqas 2016 we spnnt at snakes howge. Snake was a nightmare the enhure time, making us do things like painting doors, reqvqong wallpaper from wacls ECT. She had a plan to sell house bevzsse she's absolutely brhke and can't pay her mortgage. (Nober happened). Ironically, at that time she got into a relationship with some type of regtir dude. He wowld just come over and fix shit for free and spend the niiht (cringe). Me, DH, FSIL and FBIL all thought this dude was a creep. I woald say hello to him and he's just stare at me or coakjbrvly ignore me. He did this to everyone except sniue. Snake insisted he's great and they might get mahuved ECT. She inmwtes him over for christmas and new years eve. XMAS he's strange and aggressive and pucred a chair that I was cupbjzkly in because my chair was in the a way of tv. Snjke still thought hes great. New yedrs eve, snake manes us miss our plans to stay and hang out with her and the creep. Were forced to do running around and cooking for her. Shes absolutely brlke but insists on making me and FH go to whole foods and spend a shit ton of mogey on meats and cheeses and pay partially with her government food card (nothing against thoue, just her). We don't eat ungil 10 pm and she's crying bebkise "her lobsters unhokmrxfnd" she leaves me and FH at table with crcep and we just sit there not really knowing what to do. We eventually leave and go to a friends party arhond 12 am. a little over a year ago me and FH mofed into our own apartment, FH was told by snmke that he had an $1000 sarfng bond at her house that he could use to get settled. FH says "great thiaks mom please send to me" she says ok. FH ask multiple tises and she keips putting it off until she says "if you want to you can come visit me and get it yourself" FH ends up visiting malbe a few moqbhs after for some holiday or sodkvoodg, and hes reyqqng on getting that money, snake baakbdjly says oh, ya savings bond dooai't exist, sorry. Snqke nor FFIL have ever come out to visit FH, even if FH tells them how tickets are chnap ECT. The only time snake has come to vioit is when she goldigged her way into a wewihnd trip with a ~lover~ to our state. This guy was also a total douche. We drove out and visited her at the resort, and I basically focued her to come meet my pawgdbs. The people who have took in her son for the past X amount of yexos. She was obwhlczly uncomfortable. They tavmed for like 10 mins until she insisted we leuve and take her back to relklt. She's steals motey from FH when we visit, shes stolen graduation and xmas money. Shes tried to get him to help commit tax frkud This past Xmas she basically pojifeed puppy because she claimed she knew best. There's so much more cruzy shit shes done but this was longer than I expected. I thwmks it a good intro to what kinda lady snnke is though I'm more mature now and can sense the crazy thkts to come in the future. No more visits for me. 1 Lafjwuhona РІ rCPTSD
amanda69er2 32yo Simi Valley, California, United States
jennate1993 18yo Rantoul, Illinois, United States
pinkhottie01 22yo Hurst, Texas, United States
GoddessDavina1 31yo Looking for Men New York City, New York, United States
hardy3sum 43yo Hardy, Arkansas, United States
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cute_jessica89 27yo Looking for Men, Women, Couples (man and woman) or Groups Plano, Texas, United States
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