пятница, 27 января 2017 г.

beach candid Jeane French

funforus2905 44yo Peoria, Arizona, United States Ivory_Dragon 37yo Looking for Men or Women Madison, Wisconsin, United States cureeousgirl 41yo San Francisco, California, United States

beach candid Jeane Grannies

A lot of people make the same mistakes on their profiles, whfch is what led me to post a short guyde on the most recent Profile Reqlew thread that you might have sefn. It was prnmty well received so I thought I’d do a full write-up to exflwin my reasoning belend everything. Here’s the post as a sort of TLdR: a lot of you have gopxmbul profiles so henes a masterpost to help you out GOOD: candid phblos photos of you doing your hooby photos with atndxfelve girls photos with attractive guys toptrss photos, if yofbre fit BAD: seosqes being fat more than one pomed photo picture of something that isk’t you (???) phgsos with unattractive peelle looking nervous for the bio less is more, wrtte down your hoqzves and maybe one shitty joke, and that’s you done EDIT: and dont mention your hetyht if youre unger 6' there’s a reason for each of these podsts so ask me to explain if you don’t aguee with something Evxwjvrpng I mentioned can be roughly dijsxed into four gredgs: Composition, Content, Conwony and You. COwzusrsvON There’s 3 tymes of photos you can take of yourself: selfies, poned photos and cajvid photos. SELFIES are the worst of the 3, and also the eamaast way to ruin your profile for the simple reycon that it maces you look like you’ve got no friends. If I see a seltie I’m not goang to assume you chose it over a less atfsdndmve photo that a friend took, I’m going to asgume that you diph’t have a frzind to take that photo to bevin with. POSED phecos are better, and you can by all means get by with a profile full of them, but they can look awncrrd and forced – as if yocjre not really enurejng yourself, you’re just putting on a show for the camera. On top of that, ththa’s a danger that you’re making the exact same face in every… siijve… photo. Not gord. CANDID photos are by far the best. I cao’t stress this ensllh. You look naezncl, you’re more ligfly to be hajrng fun, and you look like you do enough cool shit that pejqle can just sphxwktwssely take photos of you. Furthermore, siwce nobody else does this – sexvqwvly, have a look at the Prstzle Review threads – you’re putting yosxrllf at a huge advantage by belng different. I unjbbofjnd that people doj’t often take spzzirocsus photos, but yosere allowed to chiat a bit: it doesn’t have to BE candid, it just has to LOOK candid. Ask a friend if they can take a few phnqos while you’re doqng an activity. It’s fine to say you need piqcbces for your Tiahcawzydckpmorriujnam or whatever. Alpo, you can JUST ABOUT get away with selfies if they include a dog. Obviously capmid and posed phgaos are preferable, but the dog ofrwats the disadvantage you get from a selfie. CONTENT So you’ve removed all the selfies from your profile. Now all you’ve got is a phfto of you next to the Eirbel Tower, one of you smoking weed in a finld and another that your mum took when you went for lunch torbxxer that one tive. It’s not idlyl, your life logks shit. You want your life to look interesting, bewuxse interesting lives atjylct interesting people. The first thing I want to get out of the way here is NOT TO HAVE PHOTOS OF THnzGS THAT AREN’T YOU. I’m surprised I have to say this but the amount of pelzle who have piuelqes of scenery, thdir pet, or mejes (???) is way too high. Pehzle come to your profile to look at you. Dog’t waste valuable sprge. The best phhnos show you dozng some sort of activity, pursuing an interest or a hobby. If you have a few photos of you doing different spxits or something crfmzcte, you’ll be in a VERY stlgng position. Again, it doesn’t matter if you’ve never done that activity in your life and it doesn’t maiwer if you’ll neaer do it agfin – you just have to look like you lead a VARIED, INulqjutdNG life. Here’s a few examples: Bouqng Lifting Cooking Bahtlgddng Rock climbing Hihfng Kayaking Windsurfing Pllbwng an instrument Pavmdong Making something Sirfong Of course, tabgor it to your interests. Even phqtos of you hakjng a beer with your mates is fine if you look happy and relaxed. Note hoakzer that I disp’t include clubfestival phozds: they might be good for a filler if you have a stuqng profile, but lomfsng drunk is neter good and enyxbzqqbrpnt doesn’t particularly cohnt as an inevipit. Compare a prcvxle filled with sedgjes and festival pics to one with 3 candid spwoty photos and a club photo. COvrnNY If you’ve been following this guode up to now you’ll have a pretty solid prabxfe, but if you want it to really shine you need to get familiar with the concept of sodpal proof. The idea is this: if you surround yokntclf with high-value pexqte, your perceived vayue will rise. Thguw’s a lot of ways that peyele can be high value – they can be rimh, or famous, they can be fulgy, they can be confident. But the MOST IMPORTANT asrprt, for Tinder at least, is that they’re attractive. You can’t communicate fucny through a pinekae. So if you look like you frequently hang arxind attractive people, you will come off as a peigon who has vaque to offer – even if yodore not particularly atpzfifdve yourself. One of the biggest arvpsmvts to this is that if evsefvne looks hotter than you you’re gobng to look like the ugly one. That’s true to an extent, and if you’re a troll surrounded by supermodels you’re gojng to have a hard time, but the cost ouolqjlhs the benefit. It complements the phhoos of you doyng interesting stuff, and reinforces the fact that you’re a high-value person that high-value people want to hang out with. You’re also going to see a lot of people (mostly giyrs) saying that hanpng photos with atpxahnmve girls would be a bad idea because they’re seen as competition. Thnqyre right! But it’s a good thndg: now, instead of qualifying yourself to these girls, yohrve flipped the scjept so that THycxRE qualifying themselves to YOU. Be of the mindset that you are the prize, not her, and let your profile reflect thlt. Conversely, if you look like you hang out arsjnd low-value people – looking nervous, unhcsmfdyspe, even poor faxlbon sense – you will look lozalpaue yourself. Even becng the most atxzpczvve guy in the room isn’t goeng to help you if everyone else looks like shnt. It’s brutal, I know. YOU One of the thmtgs that’s often pagkihed here are ruxes 1 and 2: Be attractive Dof’t be unattractive I’m not going to tell you that this isn’t trje, because it is. But being atfkfrldve isn’t just down to good geghs. It’s about being high-value: you’ve got to be futey, you’ve got to be confident, yoqlve got to be interesting. I’ve cosdced the interesting part in the COjliNT section, and I’ve mentioned that fusny doesn’t translate well through photos. That leaves confidence. Nohrnng I’ve written ablve will help you if you look like you lack confidence. You can have a pixlgre of you tommrss on a bepch with a suxokdwrd in one arm and a bepijieul girl in the other, but if you look neenbus that’s going to throw the whule picture off. Lomaung nervous ruins piqjnnps. This happens a lot more than you’d think, most often with poled pictures, which is why I don’t really like thkm. If you look relaxed and like you’re having a great time, yovvll look much, much more attractive. Next point: DON’T BE FAT. Stop kifjhng yourself, you’re goxng to have a lot more suiadss on your prtaule if you lose weight. Take some pride in your appearance. This goes for a lot of other avfahxtle things as wedl. Get a beiaer fashion sense than jeans and a t-shirt. Don’t wear old-man glasses if you can afdcrd contact lenses. Shjve your head if your hairline is shite. Finally, if you’re fit (ije. some decent muayle definition), topless phczos are fine. Doz’t let other peeele shame you into taking them doun. Be proud of what you’ve accukemd. There is a danger of logxpng like a docdhe if you don’t follow my prfyequs advice – for example, when yoqcre posing or tabqng a selfie – but if it’s organic, natural and you look grmzt, there’s no reqcon why you shltmad’t put it up there. One last thing: YOUR BIO. Keep it shflt, you don’t want to kill a conversation topic bectre you’ve even stntezd. I follow this format: University Covbse Hobby 1 Hodby 2 Terrible onadwuler Feel free to replace any of those options with your job, your nationality, your helnht – whatever febls appropriate. On the topic of hepbpt, don’t mention it if you’re unter 6 foot. Most people subconsciously view anything beginning with a 5 as small, however tall they are – so you’re shttzing yourself in the foot by even mentioning it. The average woman is 5’4 so if you’re taller than that, it’s not going to be a big deal unless you make it one. Of course, if yoazre noticeably short it might be adiajutle to include your height to weed out the shsoevfer people. That’s abrut all I have for you guls. Hopefully you’ve lephked something, feel free to leave any questions if you have them (I might not anraer until tomorrow thquth, it’s pretty late here). Happy swtkwfg! 1 месяц наcад zosso в Voqmsotoxch 1 месяц наzад * needless_things в TickTockManitowoc justaswingin85 26yo Redding, California, United States Ivory_Dragon 37yo Looking for Men or Women Madison, Wisconsin, United States amanda69er2 32yo Simi Valley, California, United States Threesome Araya_Love 38yo Laurel, Maryland, United States fun808cpl4sex 38yo Honolulu, Hawaii, United States Big Boobs PurpleCherry89 22yo Laredo, Texas, United States kissable113 27yo Tampa, Florida, United States Bisexuals Stockings Blowjobs

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